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goals catIf you want to achieve your goal, then using goal setting strategies can help you become successful. First, you have to ask yourself why is your goal so important to you? Your goal needs to be powerful enough to motivate you to achieve it. If it really doesn’t matter to you whether you achieve it or not, you’re doomed to fail.

You MUST be committed to achieving your goal. Otherwise, when the going gets tough, you won’t get going! You’ll put off the tasks that you need to undertake in order to accomplish your goal because it’s all too hard or you’re having problems in your life and you just don’t have the mental energy to deal with your goal at the moment.

Remember, a goal that is extremely important to you will allow you to power through all the objections you encounter on your way to reaching the pinnacle.

Another important tip for goal setting strategies is to only focus on a few goals at the time. If you have too many goals at once, you won’t have enough time to accomplish them all, or else become overwhelmed and dump them all in the too hard basket. By focusing on only one to three goals at the same time, you’re giving yourself a far greater chance of achieving them.

It’s important that you plan how you will reach your goal. By breaking down your objective into smaller, more manageable steps, you’ll experience a real sense of accomplishment as you achieve each smaller section of your goal.

Remember the SMARTI system – your goal needs to be Specific, it needs to be Measurable, it needs to be Action or Activity based, it needs to be Realistic, it needs to have a Timeframe or deadline and it absolutely has to Inspire you!

If your goal passes every SMARTI requirement, then you have a great chance of achieving it.

Goal setting strategies can really help you accomplish what you set out to do. So as long as you’re committed to the process, and your goal is powerful enough to motivate you, there’s no reason why you won’t succeed.

gold scalesIn today’s world, managing work life balance can be tough if you don’t know what you’re doing. Work is such a large part of your life that it can seem easier to forgo the other areas such as recreation, spirituality and family, to name just a few.

But it’s important that you find enough time to enjoy all different aspects of your life, otherwise you can burn out.

The first thing you need to do is write down your Intentions. These are things that you want to turn into reality for the next week. Attending your daughter’s recital, going to church or taking care of your tax return are all Intentions. So make sure you write your Intentions down in your diary for a certain day and allow time for them. Intentions don’t have to be tasks, either. They can be as simple as wanting to Be Kind.

If you want to live your ideal life, first you have to plan it, then live it! This is key to managing work life balance. It’s important that you don’t put off until retirement something you’ve always wanted to do. How many of us have heard a story about a person putting off their dream until they reached retirement, and then once they had retired, dying before being able to achieve that dream?

Remember, dreams are goals without a deadline. So if you want to turn your dream into reality, then you need to give it a deadline.

Focus on the most important things in your life. Are you giving them enough time each week? For example, you may feel guilty because you’re spending too much time at work and not enough with your family. Instead of feeling guilty, do something about it! Think about your work day; are there any tasks you can delegate to other team member members? When you finish work for the day, is there anything pressing you have to complete or can you leave half an hour earlier than normal?

By making an Intention to spend more time with your family, you’ll find yourself creating opportunities to do so. If you can do this in all aspects of your life, you’ll find that managing work life balance becomes easier each time, until you’re living the life you always dreamed of.

binocularsCreating vision and mission statements is a great technique to help you get what you want out of life. Vision and mission statements can help you define and clarify your goals in business and in your personal life.

For example, in a business situation, you could have a Team meeting where everyone would able to contribute equally. You could ask your Team what strategies worked in the last six or 12 months and why. You could then share with your Team what you want to achieve in the next six months and ask them for suggestions on how to go about it. This way, all Team members are involved in the discussion, and as long as you inspire them to share your vision, they will want to help you achieve your objectives.

In a personal situation, you may want to write down how you would picture your perfect day. What would you like to be doing three or six months from now? How would that make you feel? Be playful, creative and inspired when you write about your perfect day. Embrace the emotions your thoughts invoke as you put pen to paper. By involving your emotions, your perfect day will seem more tangible and possible to achieve.

Once you have written down what you want your life to be like, you have activated your subconscious mind.

You will now be looking for opportunities that will bring you closer to your perfect day or ideal business situation. Whenever an opportunity comes your way, seize it! By creating vision and mission statements, you are helping to create your own future.

Once you’ve written your vision and mission statement, don’t hide it away in a drawer so you’ll forget about it. Put it on your wall where you can see it every day. Read it to yourself daily, and make sure you feel good about doing so.

This will help reinforce what you want to achieve and how you want to live your life.
Creating vision and mission statements can be a great way of achieving your goals. Whether they’re for business or personal situations, they really do work if you follow the above tips.