Have you ever caught yourself saying "wow, where did that week go"? or "That year just flew by", or "I’ve lost track of the days", or "When am I going to have time to do that", or "There’s not enough hours in the day"………….These are just a few of the lines we hear from really busy people, and they’re lines I catch myself saying also. The reality is that since Man created a way to measure time, once with the stars and lunar cycles but now usually found on your wrist, on your wall, on your phone, or other electronic gadget we’re constantly reminded and made aware of TIME.
Time is one commodity that once used you can’t get it back. If you’re not making the progress towards your goals or getting caught up in the busyness of business and in life and stressed out because you have too much to do and too little TIME, then there’s a simple formula to help you get back in control of your TIME. It’s not Time management but SELF Management. You can CHOOSE how you wish to USE TIME. A simple process I use is the 10:70:20 formula. It’s 10% Future, 70% Present, 20% Past. Every activity we involve ourselves in will fall into one of these categories, and will depend on your Role, or the Role of your team members. Take a Self Employed painter as an example.
Working 40 hours per week and using the 10:70:20 ratio he might plan his week like this. 4 Hours per week on Future. This would be networking, Sales activity like prospecting, looking for future work, following up on referrals etc. 28 Hours per week would be allocated to planning the job, doing the site measures, getting the supplies, travel to jobs, cleaning up on site. Basically all the ‘On the Tools" jobs. That would leave 8 hours per week to look after the PAST. To get all the invoicing sorted, pay the accounts, do the admin, follow up with the customers etc.
Unless there is TIME allocated for each of these activities it won’t be too long that the busyness, and reactiveness of the business will prevail and the PAST will become overwhelming and as the saying goes "Stuck in the Past".
Stake stock NOW! Use the Ascent process from last weeks Tip to get awareness around your effectiveness of TIME
Have an Intention to be effective with your TIME, choose to Plan how you will use it, Choose to make TIME for it All and you will HAVE it All……..
Here’s Maximising Your use of Time….