Last month I was invited to speak to a group of Property Investors. During the night I shared some Strategies from our online coaching course "Maximise your Business with strategies that don’t cost a cent"

One particular Strategy was around Goal Setting and some simple principles you can apply that will enhance your RESULTS. 

Everyone was challenged to set a Goal to be achieved in the following 90Days.

Something very powerful happens when you define, set, and write down your Goals, create a strategy to achieve it, then take the steps or implement the ACTIONS.

Today I recieved this email from Rose

 Hi Karl

I was at your presentation at the CPIA meeting last month and just thought I would let you know that I have achieved my goal that you help me set on the night. We have purchased a new property – it took three weeks. Your talk helped get me motivated. Thank you.
Rose Hopgood
click here to learn more about how you can implement strategies to "Maximise your business that don’t cost a cent"

teamwork hands


One of the biggest Challenges Business Owners face today is getting their team members to be working effectively, productively, cohesively, harmoniously and profitably.

The great news is there are some simple steps you can take to make massive progress in this area. And have your team aligned and committed.
Step 1: Get CLEAR yourself
Creating an Inspiring Vision for your business is as simple as asking yourself the following questions. Where are you and your business going? What does it look like? Who are you serving? What products and services are you providing? What are the characteristics of your Team?. When asking those questions use the word IDEAL to clarify the ultimate scenario. For example what does your IDEAL Customer, Team , Premise, Supply Chain, Suppliers, Systems etc look like. Describe them in as much detail as possible. Now Imagine and Picture what your IDEAL Business week is. Be sure to write down a few paragraphs or pages describing your Vision
Step 2: Team meeting “People Can’t be Passionate and Inspired by something they can’t see”
The Purpose of the team meeting is to bring awareness and clarity of where the business is currently, and where it was heading for the future. The Desired Outcome should be for everyone to leave the meeting aligned and committed. Follow this meeting structure to maximise your Results.
1.       Intro: Open the meeting by explaining the purpose, reason why you’re having it and explain the desired outcomes you want to achieve.
2.       Reflection: It’s always a good idea to start the meeting by focussing on some positives and achievements from the past. Either past year or past 90days. Go around the team members and ask them each to give examples of what has worked well, positives, highlights and good things that they have either accomplished or the business has. Next ask for Learning’s, these are the not so good outcomes or situations you can learn from. They are the little Gems that help you identify things to do differently and more effectively.
3.       Now: Do a simple assessment of how things are at Present, a simple SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) The Team will start to get a picture how things are now.
4.       FUTURE: Share your Inspiring Vision Statement with the Team. Use your Passion, and speak from the heart. Explain what it will mean for them as Team members, and what they will be a part of. Share your aspiration for the Business and for them as individuals.
5.       TEAM Goals: Now that everyone has a clarity of the bigger picture, the next step is to set 2-3 Goals for the Team to work towards over the next 90days. Make sure they follow the SMARTI rule.
6.       ACTION: Finish the meeting with individual ACTIONS. WHO will do WHAT by WHEN. This is the most important phase to ensure people are aligned committed to playing their part.
Step 3: NEXT Meeting
Establish a weekly / monthly meeting to review and measure progress. Use the Actions checklist to keep Team members accountable, and to define the next ACTION steps.


Nick Ash used simple but effective Goal Setting Strategies to Achieve better Results.

Discover how you can too at maximise your business


click on the link to get instant access to a Free video revealing my #1 Strategy to maximise your business