When was the last time you set a goal and achieved it?
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Success leaves clues, and when reflecting on your own experience or the experience of others, you get the opportunity to create a system or a process to achieve your goal consistently.
A number of years ago I was introduced to a simple formula to achieve CONSISTENT Results. Think about the various businesses and organisations that you immediately think of as CONSISTENCY businesses. To help you out, think about the numerous Franchise Brands. Look at those businesses that have multiple sites, locations and outlets. There’s hundreds in the food industry alone.
Now notice that whenever you visit them, you’ll notice they have the same branding, their shop layouts are similar, the ordering process is the same, the pricing, the products and services are all the same…they’re all providing a CONSISTENT product, service or experience…
Now what does this have to do with a Goal Setting Guide you might ask?
This is about achieving your goals CONSISTENTLY.
By embracing the formula STANDARDS + SYSTEMS = CONSISTENCY you will have your RECIPE for success. The trick is you have to create your Recipe, and you have to stick to it.
To help you understand this process think about a recipe for baking a cake, or cookies.
You will notice that the recipe is made up of ingredients and there are measurements of each (STANDARDS)
For Example
1 CUP Flour
1 Table Spoon Coco
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Sugar
50g Butter
1 egg
etc etc etc
Then the recipe has the Steps and order to mix the ingredients (SYSTEM)
For Example
Step 1. Sift Dry Ingredients into a bowl
Step 2. In another bowl, cream melted butter and sugar,
Step 3. Add egg to creamed butter and sugar and stir to smooth
Step 4. Add creamed butter mixture to dry ingredients
etc etc etc
To bake the cake with a CONSISTENT outcome you simply need to follow the recipe
and the same process goes for achieving your Goals CONSISTENTLY
An essential STANDARD to your Goal Setting Guide is to apply the SMARTI rule.
Every Goal you set needs to be
Examples of goals following the SMARTI Goal Setting Guide in various aspects of a business are:
1. Sales Revenue "In 90 Days time I will have signed contracts for all customers agreeing to our 10% rate increase".
2. Operational "In 90 Days time we will have our team training program confirmed and implemented"
3. Admin "In 90 Days time we will have collected all outstanding debts outside 30days"
Examples of goals following the SMARTI Goal Setting Guide in personal life:
1. "In 90 Days time I will complete my first Marathon"
2. "In 90 Days time I will have the house landscaping project completed"
3. "In 90 Days time I will have the my first e book completed"
You’ll Notice a 90 Day theme as part of the Goal Setting Guide. The reason for this is 90 Days is a great time-frame to achieve meaningful Goals. It is a good time-frame that is between a marathon and a sprint
It is long enough to allow time to complete, yet not too far away that you don’t bother taking action, and it’s short enough to ensure you take action, get some traction and momentum so you start to see positive RESULTS for your efforts quickly.
Make this formula part of your Goal Setting Guide
Click on the link For a FREE video revealing my #1 Strategy to
To your Success
Karl Waretini (The Crayon Coach)