Browsing Posts in Create Vision and Mission Statements

How clear is Your VISION and how are you writing Vision and Mission statements? People can’t be Passionate and Inspired about a Vision they can’t see……that goes for all of us. see my Three Steps to Bring your Vision to Life Step 1 of Writing Vision and Mission Statements is: DEFINE the VisionTo get Clarity […]

Creating Vision and Mission Statements are key Strategies for Creating a Brighter Future, achieving goals or taking yourself or your business, group, organisation to the next level.Something very powerful happens when we embrace this strategy and engage in this process and when done effectively you will experience some amazing Results.  click the link for a  So […]

 What is it that you love that you’d like to do (or do more of) for a living? The most gratifying rewards are fulfilment and joy, but today I want to share five questions to consider when you want to make money pursuing your purpose – that "thing" you are passionate about. Many people know […]